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Chief Gordon Bluesky
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation

Chief Stan Bird
Peguis First Nation
Chief Gary Roberts
Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation

Chief E.J. Fontaine
Sagkeeng First Nation

Chief Trevor Prince
Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation

Chief Jason Daniels
Swan Lake First Nation

Chief David Meeches
Long Plain First Nation

Jolene Mercer
Executive Director, Peguis First Nation

David Thomas
Urban Planner, Peguis First Nation

Laura Sinclair
Executive Assistant, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation

Shannon Bunn
Funding Officer, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation

Tyndall Fontaine
Manager, Business Development, Sagkeeng First Nation

Vic Savino
Director of Communications, Peguis First Nation

Cody Mercer
Chief Development Officer, Peguis First Nation

Kathleen BlueSky
Chief Executive Officer, Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation & Pine Creek First Nation

Carl Smith
Knowledge Keepers Council

Ruth Norton
Knowledge Keepers Council

Shirley Roulette
Knowledge Keepers Council

Ethan Courchene
Marketing Coordinator, Swan Lake First Nation

Merhawit Zegeye
Finance Controller, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Della Mason
Executive Assistant, Fisher River Cree Nation

Faith Campos
Planning & Design Technician, Sakimay First Nation

Noah Wahquahboshkuk
Intergovernmental Relations Manager, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation

Shane Li
Chief Financial officer, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Wayne Scott
Knowledge Keepers Council

James Sinclair
Knowledge Keepers Council

Ashley Peebles
Planning and Design Assistant, Dauphin River First Nation

Barb Cameron
Knowledge Keepers Council

Blair Strong
Operations Manager, Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation

Dennis McLeod
Labour Force Strategist, Pimicikamak Cree Nation

Jennifer Daniels
Career Development Officer, Swan Lake First Nation

Paris Pepin
Administrative Assistant, Sagkeeng First Nation

Roxanne Meawasige
Intergovernmental Relations Analyst

William Richards
Associate Project Manager

Michelle Taylor
Finance Clerk
Warren Thorvaldson
Project Manager
Ryan Nykvist
Planner, Land Use Policy

Hevyn-Lee Martens
Promise Keepers Council

Tyrah Wilson
Promise Keepers Council

Mackenzie Thomas
Promise Keepers Council

Dillon Courchene
Promise Keepers Council

Raquel Strong
Promise Keepers Council

Councillor Allen Hocaluk
Lands Technical Advisory Council

Harley Myran
Lands Technical Advisory Council

Bill Spence
Lands Technical Advisory Council

Councillor Dylan Courchene
Lands Technical Advisory Council

Councillor Randal Roulette
Lands Technical Advisory Council

Eric Cameron
Lands Technical Advisory Council

Councillor Michael Esquash
Lands Technical Advisory Council

Freda Bear
Knowledge Keepers Council