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Statement from the Treaty One Nation Knowledge Keepers’ Council
Treaty One Territory, Winnipeg, MB – During this difficult time, we, the Treaty One Knowledge Keepers’ Council grieve with you as a collective nation. We have survived and come through an incredibly painful trauma and genocide as a people. We wish to encourage you to go out onto the land, wherever and whatever works for you, wherever you are and connect with our Mother Earth, the water, and all of creation. The medicines that have always been there for us are out there on the land. Share your pain, your grief with her, use her medicines, drink her water, honour, love and hug your children, your families, remember your ancestors and most of all, love and honour yourself. Offer up your aseema (tobacco) to our Creator. Smoke your pipes. Speak to your Elders. Most of all, remember that we love and honour you!”
For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact Blair Strong, Communications Coordinator at Treaty One Nation. Email:
About the Treaty One Nation Knowledge Keepers’ Council
Treaty One Nation Knowledge Keepers’ Council is composed of a Knowledge Keeper from each of the seven First Nations who act as an advisory council to the Treaty One Nation Government.