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TAKE NOTICE that a Ratification Vote shall be held in accordance with the Roseau River First Nation Community Ratification Process in order to determine if Eligible Voters approve the Treaty One Joint Reserve Land Code for Roseau River First Nation and the Individual Agreement. The Land Code and Individual Agreement shall be approved if a majority of participating Eligible Voters vote to approve them.
For more information visit: Roseau River Nation Notice of Vote – Treaty One Joint Reserve Land Code Voter Information – Treaty One (
P.O Box 30 Ginew, Manitoba ROA-2R0
Tel: 204-427-2312
Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation is a rural community located approximately one hour south of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation has three physical reserves:
The people of Roseau River First Nation have a rich history in the Red River and Pembina Valleys. Their main community is located about an hour south of Winnipeg, near Emerson, with a total membership of 2,000 people across their three reserve communities.
As part of the collective Ojibway of Manitoba, they were known as the “Strong Heart People” in recognition of their bravery. Roseau River signed Treaty 1 on August 3, 1871 and finally resolved their land claim in 2011 with a final settlement offer that is held in trust for future generations.
Chief: Gary Roberts
Councillor: Evan Roberts
Councillor: Rachel Seenie
Councillor: Jason Henry
Councillor: Terrance Nelson
Annual Pow Wow:
Tribal Days: August 2-7, 2021
Election Dates: March 2027
Term: 4 years
Band Number: 273